Campaign Heat Maps


Isn’t it empowering when you have access to a retailer point of sale data so you can monitor promotional sell-through? How challenging is it to rely solely on third-party scanning data to measure impact and find out - weeks later - that it under-performed? At that point, there is nothing you can do except come up with a correction of errors list and hope that the next time would be better.

What about your marketing campaigns? Are you ever frustrated that you have to wait until the end of a program to figure out if it worked or not? What if you could have access to real-time analytics to monitor throughout the campaign and measure impact? You know, to actually SEE if the campaign is meeting performance expectations and course-correct if need be.

Here's Where We Come In

At Soapbox Influencer Marketing, we are happy to share that we DO monitor campaigns and keep track of how they are performing in real time. One way we accomplish this is by monitoring conversations through heat map tracking.

What Are Heat Maps?

A heat map can visually show where a campaign’s message is tracking across the United States (or the entire world!). Every time someone starts a conversation, likes a conversation, shares a conversation, or comments on a conversation, that location is recorded visually on a map. Let’s say that you are running a national campaign for an item that has coast-to-coast distribution. A heat map can visually show you areas of the country where conversations are strong or weak. This allows us to pivot and encourage conversations where needed.What if you are running a targeted regional campaign? A heat map can provide insight into where conversations outside your target zone are occurring. This information might help you expand distribution by showing that there is interest outside the region.

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In a Nutshell

Heat maps provide actionable insights where you can visually show engagements in real time.If you are interested in understanding how heat maps can make a difference when monitoring your digital influencer campaigns, let’s talk.